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Top 8 Road Trip Ideas for a Relaxed Drive

Whether you are behind steering wheels for the first time or are a seasoned driver, following some basics during road trips is essential to make your journey smooth and hassle-free. The longer you are road more crucial it becomes to follow these tips. Or you may face a more inconvenient road trip.

If you don’t know what things to look at before your road trip, don’t worry! We will share some of the expert road tips to help you enjoy a better and comfortable drive.

Here are the expert road trip tips for a comfortable drive while on the road:

1. Get Plenty of Sleep Before Your Drive

Consider exhaustion before beginning on your journey, not later. Get at least 7 hours of sleep for two nights before the road trip to recharge your energy levels. It’s ideal to begin in the morning after a restful night’s sleep, rather than after a long and exhausting day at work (unless you plan to stop). To keep fresh and awake, take frequent stops along the journey, perhaps every 100 miles or two hours. “Also, avoid driving during the hours of 1 and 3 p.m., Dr. Michael Breus,( The Sleep Doctor ) because the body temperature is lower and individuals are naturally tired.”

2. Clean Your Car First

A thorough cleaning is the first thing you should do before going on a long drive. You can do it on your own or take it to a professional car wash. Add mild air freshener inside the car after getting your car cleaned. Also, check whether the components such as the music system, seat belts, windows, and doors are working fine or not after cleaning. Cleaning the car adds positivity and makes the journey more refreshing.

3. Plan Your Rest Stops

Calculate the distance of your journey and plan your stops accordingly to take rests at regular intervals. Not only will this help you stay recharged throughout the journey, but also gives your vehicle take a much-needed break. Without brakes or irregular breaks, engines overheat. Taking breaks is always a good idea. These breaks will also help you make sure there is enough fuel in your car. You can even take breaks during refueling sessions.

4. Keep Yourself Hydrated

Keep the water supply well-stocked for maximum energy. “Of course, the downside is that you’ll have to make more restroom breaks,” says Breuner, who traveled to 19 states with her family in an RV for three months.

5. Get Your Vehicle Insured

This is one of the most crucial things that anyone taking their car on the road must follow. It is critical even during short drives, but before long road trips, double-check your car insurance policy. Make sure you have comprehensive coverage for your vehicle. Long journeys can be unpredictable. Therefore, buying/renewing insurance is a must. If you are confused about any aspect of car insurance, talk to your insurance agent.

Read More: 5 things you must consider before buying car insurance

6. Use Google Maps

When traveling on new routes, it is always a good idea to follow Google maps as a trustable navigation system. It suggests the best routes, informs about upcoming traffic, and helps you from getting lost. Using a trustable navigation system makes the journey a lot easier, saves time and fuel costs.

7. Take Healthy Road Snacks

Keep some home-cooked food items or carry healthy snacks. Try to avoid junk foods on a road trip and practice eating light. Heavy eating can cause problems during a long journey and ruin the experience of the road trip. Plan accordingly and take meds beforehand if anyone has motion sickness or has some allergies. Keep juices and lemon soda handy; it will work as an energy booster.

8. Keep Your Body Stance Straight

Maintain a healthy body posture throughout the journey. Keep your back and spine upright. It will help you get rid of fatigue and tiredness. Slouching or staying in bad postures for long hours during road trips can cause back and neck pain. Poor posture can also lead to long-term health problems.

Planning is the key to comfortable road trips. Make sure you examine the car inside-out and check the status of your car insurance to get a safe and stress-free traveling experience.

If you want the guidance of a licensed car insurance agent, call Abe GT & Associates. We are licensed to provide insurance in the state of Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, North Carolina, California, Texas, Arizona, Maryland, Ohio. Contact us today to get your quote.